Monday, August 25, 2008

Sometimes when you expect something to happen, but do not expect that something to happen FOUR TIMES you make faces like this. My readers are aware that I got a new computer, one of the perks of which is that I can take ridiculous pictures of myself without giving the photo developer dudes a hearty laugh while I'm at it.

Ian and I had a good time trying out all the features. I feel as if he and I are Nancy Drew and a Hardy Boy discovering some horrifying entity here.

I've often said that Ian doesn't understand film; he makes funny faces just as I'm going to take a picture with my film camera, a behavior I have always attributed to ignoring the fact that I can't instantly delete photos. Well, Ian, I have wronged you with such accusations. It turns out that you make funny faces in otherwise nice photos ANYWAY. I still hate you for it, though. See, you flaunt the fact that you can control such things. I, on the other hand, lack the ability to CHOOSE to mess up a photo; I just do it.

However, I think that you are adorable anyhow. Especially in this one:

Randi was amused by the "emo MySpace" quality of some of my self-portraits, so she decided to make this one, which I forced her to set as her Facebook photo:

The prize for the best use of iSight, though, undoubtedly goes to Ian, who made this and didn't even bother to show me so that I could hang it up like a proud girlfriend on my refrigerator (ahem, blog).

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